Vitamins For Nails | Hair And Nail Vitamins 

Help Hair Vitamins for nails

Help Hair Shake-    
Good for your nails?


Help Hair Shake and Help Hair Vitamins  are designed with Vitamins for Hair and Nails. Our product is All Natural without any artificial flavors or fillers. 

Healthy nails are a good indicator that your hair will grow using Help Hair Shake.

 A good measure of the efficacy of Help Hair Shake is improvement in your nails. After 4 weeks  of using the Shake , either 1 scoop 2x daily or 1 Shake and 1 Help Hair vitamin (8-10 hrs apart), the nails should be growing at a faster rate and they should be extremely hard. In fact most people state that their nails "can cut glass". 
The hair will continue to improve with less shedding at 6-8 weeks and stronger, fuller hair at 4-6 months*. 
However poor nail growth can indicate underlying medical conditions that can affect hair growth too  and should be diagnosed by a health care practitioner.
A simple blood test for thyroid function, anemia, or iron deficiency can determine whether your nails and hair will grow faster and stronger when using Help Hair Shake.

 Help Hair Shake has protein combined with Hair and Nail Vitamins. Protein feeds the nails. Ordinary Hair and Nails Vitamins do not have the protein needed to boost the growth of the nails.

Help Hair Vitamins is a specially formulated Hair and Nail Vitamin that contains the proper amount of Biotin for Nails. Biotin is important for hair and nail growth and controls blood sugar. Help Hair Vitamins for Nails contains B-Vitamins and Niacin to help increase circulation and provides the proper support for nail growth.  

Biotin and Nail Growth!
A study showed the efficacy of biotin
Subject: [Treatment of brittle fingernails with biotin]. [Z Hautkr. 1989] - PubMed - NCBI
Out of the 45 cases which finally could be evaluated, 41 (91%) showed definite improvement with firmer and harder finger nails after an average treatment of 5.5 +/- 2.3 months. In 4 of the 45 patients (9%), the improvement was questionable. None of the patients considered the treatment altogether ineffective. We conclude that biotin in most of the cases provides an effective therapy also for human patients with brittle nails.


We suggest taking either 1 Help Hair vitamin 2x daily (8-10 hours) apart or for extra protein we suggest taking 1 Help Hair Shake plus 1 Help Hair Vitamin (8-10 hours apart).


Typically our customers can see results in 6-8 weeks with stronger healthier nails. And less breakage. 

We also suggest making sure your thryoid levels are normal because a Low thyroid will cause slow nail growth. 

*Results will vary.  

Vitamins For Nails, Hair And Nail Vitamins










Vitamins For Nails | Hair And Nail Vitamins 

















Vitamins For Nails | Hair And Nail Vitamins